The dark side of a gaishikei Episode 1

dark side of a gaishikei

The dark side of a gaishikei

In this series of posts, I will try to expose some nasty things you can happen to see in a gaishikei.
My intent is not to give a bad image of a gaishikei but to show that it is not the paradise that some of you Japanese friends might think of.
What I will write now is only based on my personal experience. I will just state facts. Of course you might see those kind of things in any company and not only in a gaishikei, but again it is my real account of facts.

Episode 1

In one company I was working for back in the 90s, we were selling IT solutions to manufacturers in Japan (automotive, tier 1 and 2 suppliers, consumer electronic, heavy industry and so on)
It was the boom of the enterprise IT in Japan and sales peoples had no problem to find jobs.
The company recruited one person. He had been changing companies quite often, but still we needed sales persons, so he was recruited.
He was often on his mobile phone, for long times and often isolating himself in some meeting room.
Maybe some new deals, new business generated?
No… The head of sales discovered that for few months he had been running a parallel business.
He was calling peoples to get them to pay back some loan or some money owned. I do not know to which shadowy business he might have been related or working for, but he was quickly fired…
That might not have happened in a Japanese company because of longer interview processes, and again at this time the IT was a boom and peoples were needed. I wonder what happened to him now.


Think again twice, when your Japanese friend will tell you how “great” it is to work in a gaishikei. Because indeed the dark side of a gaishikei does exist.
Soon another story about the dark side of a gaishikei.

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    About gaishikeiman 35 Articles
    French citizen in his forties living in Japan. Almost 20 years working for foreign companies in Japan. I have an engineering background with an extensive sales experience in highly regulated industries. I am currently the representative director and managing director for an European company's subsidiary in Japan. I have seen all the lows and highs of foreign companies in Japan since late 90ties. Feel free to contact me wether you are looking for opportunities in Japan.

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